You can review activities, such as edits and usage, for individual items in the Content Library.
Use Case: When you need to know how a particular answer was changed, who changed a specific question, when an on-demand review was initiated, or determine when content was used.
Viewing Activities
- Click the Menu
icon next to the desired item in the Content Library, then select Activities to view the Activity list for that item.
- Hover over the activity to see the type of activity. Click it to view details about changes made to that item.
Sorting and Filtering Activities
- Click the Sort
icon next to the Modified Date column to change how the activities are sorted (from newest to oldest, or oldest to newest).
- Q: Question
- A: Answer
- O: Other fields (tags, collections, etc.). You can hover your mouse over the O to see the specific field type
- Click the Filter
icon to filter the columns by date, modifier, type of activity, or fields modified.