Responsive allows you to create and manage teams of users. You can assign groups of users to a team and can assign responsibilities to them as a team rather than selecting each user individually. Teams can perform many of the same things as individuals, including:
- Acting as authors
- Acting as reviewers
- Receiving and responding to Comments
- Owning Tasks
Team members can only respond to the sections and questions they're assigned to. For example, a project could have 41 sections but a team member can only access the eight sections assigned to them. The icon indicates that a team has been assigned to a section or a question in a section when looking at the project in View by Section or View by Imported File.
If you are a member of a team, the items the team is responsible for will be included with your other responsibilities:
- Team items will appear on the My Work page
- Projects the team has been assigned to will be included on the Projects page with your individual assignments when you select My Projects
- Sections the team has been assigned to will be included in the section listed if you click My Sections
Information about the team will be included on the Project Overview page. Select the Authors or Reviewers tabs to see their status. Mouse over the chart for details.
Creating and Managing Teams
Click your avatar at the bottom left of the screen, and then click Organization Settings.
Select User Management, and then click Manage Teams.
You can see the current teams, along with the number of team members and the primary business unit. Click on a team to see information about it. The person who last updated the team is shown at the top. All team members are listed, along with any other teams they are on, and their attributes as specified in User Management (Project Primary Contact, Billing Contact or Internal Contact).
Select the More Options icon for a team to edit or delete it.
You can search for a team or a team member.
To create a new team, click + Create Team.
Enter the name of the team. If you are using business units, specify a Primary Business Unit.
Click the color icon to specify the team color. You can click on one from the tabs, or enter a hex code at the top of the window. When you are finished, click Select. Specify the font color the same way.
Begin typing the names of the team members. Enter % to see a list of available users.
When you are finished, click Create.
Assigning Teams as Authors or Reviewers for a Section
In Board View, select the More Options icon and then select Manage Users.
On the Manage Users pane, select the Authors tab to assign the team as authors, or select the Reviewers tab to assign them as reviewers. Begin entering the name of the team, and RPFIO will populate it just as it does when you enter an individual's name. When you are finished entering details about the assignment, click Save.
In View by Section and View by Imported File, click the plus icon in the Author or Reviewer column depending in the assignment you want to give them, and then begin entering the name of the team.
Assigning Questions to a Team
You can assign a team to an individual question by selecting the More Options icon for that question and then selecting Manage Users.
Begin typing the name of the team on the Authors or Reviews tab of the Manage Users pane. Responsive will display the names of individuals or teams as you type. Click on the name of the team as you would if you were assigning the question to an individual.
Create the assignment as usual, and then click Save.
Using Comments and Discussions with a Team
To assign a comment to a team, type @ and begin typing the name of the team. When the correct name is displayed, select it. You can select Notify everyone in this project to send an email to all the team members.
Enter the comment as usual and click Send.
When you look at the comment on the Discussions page, you can see the team assignment.
If you are a member of the team, the comment will appear when you select My Discussions along with any comments assigned directly to you. Any member of the team can resolve the comment.
Assigning Tasks to a Team
You can assign a task to a team and any team member can complete it.
To assign a task that is linked to a question, select the More Options menu for the question and then click Tasks, or you can click the Tasks tab.
Click the icon and then specify if you want to create the task manually or import it from a template.
Begin typing the team's name and RPFIO will display possible matches. Click on the correct one to populate the Owners field. Fill out the rest of the task assignment as you would for an individual, and then click Save.
To assign a project-level task, select and then click Tasks.
Your existing tasks are displayed, along with their statuses. Click the toggle to see team tasks too.
To create a task, click + Add Tasks and then choose to add a task manually or by importing from a template.
Begin typing the name of the team, and Responsive will display suggestions. Press Enter to accept the suggestion. When you are finished describing the task, click Add.
The task will now appear on the Tasks page with the teams icon. Mouse over the icon to see the name of the team.
Any team member can mark a task as complete by selecting the More Options icon, and then clicking Mark as Complete.
Select Mark as Complete on the pop-up box.
The task will now appear with a line through the title, and it can be seen on the Completed tab.