While importing and mapping Microsoft Word documents, we can handle content with checkboxes.
Mapping Checkboxes in Microsoft Word Documents
To map content with checkboxes, follow the steps below:
- Import your file to an existing project (as shown in the example below) or create a new project.
- Click the table with the checkboxes to highlight it, and then click Table Properties on the Mark Options pane.
- Mark the sections, questions, etc. as you usually would. Click the column heading for the first column with checkboxes to select it, and then click Answer on the Mark Options pane.
- Enter the column number in the Column Number field, and the column heading from the table in the Value in File and Value in UI fields.
Value in File is the answer choice or column header present in the source document and will appear back in the source file when you perform the export.
Value in UI is the label you want to be displayed in the user interface after you import the file. You can customize it to help your team respond to the questions or mimic the source file.
When you are finished, click Save.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the columns have been marked, making sure that the Answer Type is Checkbox for all of them. When you are finished, click Save.
- Click Import when you are finished.
When you look at the questions for the project, you will see the answer type you specified for each question.
When all the questions are answered and you export the file back to the source, you can see the checked boxes representing the answers.