Our Project Translation tool gives you the ability to translate the source file of your RFx. Once translated to the language of your choosing you will then configure and import as a new project. We rely on third-party translation services for the online translation.
- Only when the first file you import is translated will you be able to translate subsequent imported files.
- Project Translation for standard templates is not yet supported.
Use Case: When the RFP received is in a different language, you can translate the file using the Project Translation tool. Once the responses are complete, upon export you can translate back to the source language. For example, you receive a French RFP you can translate to English, work in English and then translate the responses back to French and then share it with the client.
Translating and Importing the File
- Create your project and import the file via the Advanced Configuration option. The page is displayed as shown below:
- Click the Translate icon from the top navigation bar. A window to select the source and target language will be displayed.
- Select the source language (the language of the source file) and the target language (the language in which you wish to translate the document to that will appear in the Responsive application).
Note: The Target Language you choose will be the Target Language for all other translated files for the project, even if the Source Language is different. - Click Translate. A warning message will be displayed as shown below:
- Click Acknowledge. The translation will be initiated and the status will be displayed as shown below:
Note: When the translation is in progress, you can configure the sections. However, for the configuration to appear in the translated language, you need to click Save and manually save the file. - Once the translation is complete, click View.
The language used for translation will be displayed and the Import option will also be available. - To view the content in the translated language, click the Target Language.
- Configure the file.
- Click Import. The Section Authors and Reviewers page will be displayed as shown below:
- Click Import. The file will be imported in the translated language.
- To import another file, click Add Section and select Import Files.
- Click Add File.
- The Import page will be displayed. Click Advanced Configuration to browse and select the file. The file will be displayed as shown below:
Note: Since the first import in this project has been translated, all future imports can be imported only after translation. Translation will always be in the Target Language selected for the first import. - Click Translate The Project Translation Language pop-up will be displayed.
- Select the file’s Source Language and click Translate. An acknowledgement pop-up will be displayed, acknowledging which the translation will be initiated.
- Once the translation is completed, the Import button will be enabled. You can configure the file and then import it. In a similar way, you can import other files into the project.
- If the future file to be imported has the same source and target language, the file can be imported without translation.
- Once the file is translated and imported, the project will be differentiated with a Translate icon adjacent to its name in the Projects page.
Questions Page
In the Questions page, the translate icon will be displayed below the section name to indicate that the imported file contains translated data.
Clicking on the question will display the translate icon as shown below:
You can view the source content and the translated content by clicking the translate icon.
Exporting the Translated Files
Translated files can be translated back to the original language and exported to the source file or to a template.
Exporting to Source Files
The Translate option will be available only if the source file has been translated and imported. You can translate and export only in the Source Language.
- Click the Translate icon to view the translation details.
- To export the Audit Log, select the associated checkbox. The audit log will contain the content in the in-app language and the translated language.
- To export the file, click Export. A warning message will be displayed as shown below:
- Click Acknowledge. The translation will be initiated and the file will be exported to the source language.
Exporting to Templates
The translate option will be available, even if the imported file has not been translated. You can translate and export the translated file only in the source language/target language of the files. Non-translated files can be translated to any language of choice.
- Click the Translate icon to view the translation details.
- To export the Audit Log, select the associated checkbox. The audit log will contain the content in the in-app language and the translated language.
- To export the file, select the Translate To, click Done and then click EXPORT. A warning message will be displayed as shown below:
- Click Acknowledge. The translation will be initiated and the file will be exported to the selected language.