Note: This is an add-on feature and must be enabled. Contact your account manager, or accountmanagers@responsive.io, to enable it.
The Custom Reports function allows you to build robust reports to analyze key statistics related to the Answer Library and Projects. As we explain in the Working with Custom Reports article, these reports are designed to provide more detailed and actionable insights into how your organization uses our application.
This article provides step-by-step instructions and videos to help you learn to build your own custom reports.
Topics Included in This Article
- Deals Won/Lost by Project Value and Business Unit
- Time Spent in Project by User
- Application Usage by User
- Project Duration
- Answer Library Content Updated in the Last Three Months
Deals Won/Lost by Project Value and Business Unit
Use Case: You want to know the value of all deals won/lost by project value and business unit so you can strategically see where deals are being won or lost.
To generate the Deals Won/Lost by Business Unit custom report:
- Follow steps 1-4 in the Generating Custom Reports section of the Working with Custom Reports article to create a New Report for Projects.
- Select the Table Layout option on the left of your screen, then select Project Name and Project Stage.
- Search for Project Value and add that field to your table.
- Search for Primary BU and add that field to your table.
- In the Primary BU column, click the down arrow and select Group by This Column.
- Close the Table Layout option.
- In the Project Stage column, click the down arrow and select Group by This Column.
- In the Project Value column, click the down arrow and select Aggregate and Sum.
- Open the Table Layout option and click the Filter icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
- Add a value and set the keyword to Project Stage.
- Set the Project Stage values to Closed Won, Won, and Lost.
- Click Apply. You now have a custom report that shows the project value of deals Closed Won, Won and Lost by BU.
Time Spent in Project by User
Use Case: You want to know how much time each user is spending in each project to help determine which projects take the most time and which team members are spending the most time on a specific project.
To generate the Time Spent in Project by User custom report:
- Follow steps 1-4 in the Generating Custom Reports section of the Working with Custom Reports article to create a New Report for Projects.
- Select the Table Layout option on the left of your screen and select Project Name.
- Select the Fields option on the left of your screen and select the Application Usage module, Duration, and User Name.
- Reorder the columns so they appear as Project Name, User Name, and Duration.
- Close the Fields and Table Layout options.
- In the Project Name column, click on the down arrow and select Group By This Column.
- In the Duration column, click the down arrow and select Aggregate and then Sum. You now have a Custom Report that shows the Project Name, User Name and Duration (total time spent in the project).
Application Usage by User
Use Case: You want to know how much time each user is spending by module/function in Responsive so you can see who spends the majority of their time working on Projects, versus who spends the majority of their time managing content in the Answer Library.
To generate the Application Usage by User custom report:
- Follow steps 1-4 in the Generating Custom Reports section of the Working with Custom Reports article to create a New Report for Users.
- Select the Table Layout option on the left of your screen and select Project Name.
- Select the Fields option on the left of your screen and select Users and Application Usage.
- Select the Table Layout option and organize your columns by Module Name, Job Title, Duration, and User Name.
- Organize your columns by User Name, Module Name, Job Title, and Duration.
- In the User Name column, click the down arrow and select Group by This Column.
- In the Module Name column, click the down arrow and select Group by this Column. You now have a Custom Report that shows usage by user in each area, and the time spent in that area.
Project Duration
Use Case: You want to know how much time each user has spent working on a project so you can strategically see how many users worked on a specific project so you can estimate level of effort required for similar deals.
To generate the Project Duration custom report, follow the steps below:
- Follow steps 1-4 in the Generating Custom Reports section of the Working with Custom Reports article to create a New Report for Projects.
- Select the Fields option on the left of your screen and select the Application Usage module.
- From the Application Usage module, select Duration and User Name.
- From the Application Usage module, remove Due Date, Project Stage, and Project Status.
- Organize your columns by Project Name, Duration, and User Name.
- In the Project Name column, click the down arrow and select by Group by This Column.
- In the User Name column, click the down arrow and select Group by This Column.
- In the Duration column, click the down arrow and select Aggregate and Sum.
- In the User Name column, click the down arrow and select Remove Group.
- Reorganize your columns by Project Name, User Name, and Duration. You now have a custom report that shows the amount of time each user has spent in each specific project
Answer Library Content Updated in the Last Three Months
Use Case: You want to see how much of your overall content has been updated in the last three months so you estimate the amount of content you need your SMEs to review in the coming months
To generate the Answer Library Content Updated in the Last Three Months custom report, follow the steps below:
- Follow steps 1-4 in the Generating Custom Reports section of the Working with Custom Reports article to create a New Report for Answer Library Content.
- Select the Table Layout option on the left of your screen and deselect Collection, Tags, and Owners.
- Search the Table Layout option for Question and add that as a column.
- Search the Table Layout option for Created Date and add that as a column.
- Remove the Moderator column.
- Search the Table Layout option for Last Updated Date and add that as a column.
- Click the Filter icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
- Set the Operator field to Custom, use the calendar to set a date range for the previous three months/90 days, and click Apply.
- Click the down arrow in the Last Updated Date field and select Group by This Column.
- Toggle off the Detail Rows option at the bottom of the report to see the number of records updated by date/time stamp.
- Toggle on the Detail Rows option at the bottom of the report to see the question associated with each updated record.