The partner companies feature establishes a connection between two different Responsive instances, allowing easy access for partners, resellers, or separate company instances to share items in the Content Library, and partners can share content in a collection to the linked company.
Note: This connection can only be made to partners that also use Responsive.
Note: This is an Add-On feature. Please contact your Responsive's Account Manager at accountmanagers@responsive.io for more details. |
Use Case: To share Content Library items from one company to their partner companies quickly and easily. |
Sending Link Requests
Once Linked Companies is enabled in Organization Settings, link requests can be sent to a partner company. To send a link request, follow the steps below:
- Click your avatar in the bottom left corner.
- Select Organization Settings > COMPANY > Linked Companies.
- Click SEND LINK REQUEST. The Send Link Request pop-up will be displayed as shown below:
- Enter the recipient email address. Add CC, if applicable.
- Enter a message for the recipients.
- Click SEND. The request will be sent and will be displayed in the LINK REQUESTS tab as shown below:
- Until the request is accepted the status of the sent request will be displayed as PENDING. Once the link request is accepted, the status will display as ACTIVE.
Note: You can track the status of all requests from the LINK REQUESTS tab. Once the link request is accepted, the status will change from PENDING to APPROVED. |
Adding Companies
Companies can be added either by accepting the link request via the email notification, or by copying and pasting the link code in the Add Partner Company pop-up.
Accepting Link Requests
The user will receive an email notification for linking his/her company with your company. To accept or reject link requests, click ADD ACCOUNT from the email notification. The user will be prompted to enter their information and click ACCEPT.
The companies will be linked.
To reject linking companies, click DECLINE.
Once the companies are linked, the status of the link request will be displayed as ACTIVE in the LINK REQUESTS tab for the company that had sent the link request.
Adding Companies through Code
The user will receive an email notification for linking his/her company with your company. To accept the link request, the user can follow the steps below:
- Open the Linking Company Code text file received in the email notification.
- Copy the code.
- Navigate to Responsive > Organization Settings > COMPANY > Linked Companies.
- Click ADD COMPANY. The Add Partner Company pop-up will be displayed as shown:
- Paste the copied code from the Linking Company Code
- Click ADD. The companies will be linked.
Managing Linked Companies
Once the companies are linked, you can perform the following if required:
- Edit Details: You can edit the company’s primary contact and can also add any notes if required.
- Revoke Linking:
You can unlink with the linked companies, if required.
Selecting YES would unlink the companies.
- Share Collections: More details on sharing collections are covered in the followings section.
Sharing Collections with Linked Companies
Once the companies are linked, you can share collection to the partner company. Collections can be shared from Linked Companies page as well as Collections page
Sharing from Linked Companies page
To share a collection, you can follow the steps below:
- Click the More Options icon of the linked company and select Manage Collections.
The Manage Collection pop-up will be displayed as shown below:
- Click Grant associated with the collection to be shared. The collection will be shared and will be displayed as shown below:
You can revoke the sharing of collection by clicking Revoke.
Sharing from Collections page
To share collections from Collections page, you can follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Organization Settings > CONTENT LIBRARY > Collections.
- Click the More Option icon associated with collection to be shared.
- Select Share/Revoke. The Share Collection pop-up will be displayed as shown below:
- Click Grant associated with the company to which collection has to be shared. Collection will be shared and a success message will be displayed as shown:
Viewing Shared Collections
Shared collection can be viewed by the partner company under Organization Settings > CONTENT LIBRARY > Collections > PARTNER’S COLLECTIONS.
You can edit the collection to limit its access to only selected users.
Click UPDATE to update the selection.
Accessing Shared Collections by Partner Companies
Shared collections can be accessed from Answer Library, Auto-Respond and Project Recommendations.
Using Shared Content to Respond to Questions in Project
While responding to questions from Project’s page, you can access partner company’s shared collection from the Recommendations pane. To access shared collection, you can follow the steps below:
- Click on the question for which response has to be entered. The Recommendations pane will be displayed as shown below:
- Select the company from which content has to be accessed. The recommended contents from the selected company’s shared collection will be displayed.
Viewing Shared Content in Answer Library
From the Answer Library, you can view contents from the partner company’s shared collections.
To view contents from shared collections, you can select the company name from the Answer Library.
Clicking View all Content will take you to the partner company’s Answer Library.
Note: It is not possible to access the Document Library with Linked Companies.
Using a Shared Collection in Auto-Responding to Questions
You can use partner’s shared collections while auto-responding to questions from a Project.
To use shared collection for Auto-Responding, you can follow the steps below.
- From the questions page, click Questions and then select Auto Respond.
The Auto-Respond pop-up will be displayed as shown below:
- Select the partner company from which the shared collection has to be accessed for auto-respond.
- Select the questions and applicable filters as needed.
- Click PREVIEW and then click APPLY.
A success message will be displayed on successfully auto-responding to questions.
Enabling Comments on Shared Contents
You can enable commenting on shared contents by the partner company to which the collections are shared. By default, when a collection is shared with a partner company, commenting is disabled. To enable commenting, you can follow the steps below:
- Go to Organization Settings > COMPANY > Linked Companies.
- Click the More Options icon associated with the company for which commenting has to be enabled.
- Select Enable Comments.
- A confirmation pop-up would be displayed. Click Yes. Commenting would be enabled and a comments icon will be displayed adjacent to the company name.
Commenting on Shared Content
Once commenting is enabled for your company you can comment on any shared Q&A pairs. The comment will be sent to the content owner. The content owner can provide a reply which will be displayed to the sender of the comment.
When commenting is enabled, you can see a comments icon near the Q&A pair. Click on it to enter a comment.
The Comment pop-up will be displayed as shown below:
Enter the comment and click send icon. The content owner will be notified by an email, clicking which the comment can be viewed:
The content owner can reply to the comment which will in turn notify the commenter from partner company via email. The content owner can also resolve the comment as needed.