This article details the format content option in the Answer Library.
To format answer library content, you can follow the steps below:
- From the Answer Library page, click Menu and select Format Content.
- The Format Content pop-up will be displayed as shown below:
- To apply bulk formatting to all contents, select Whole Results.
- To apply formatting only to selected questions, select Select Questions.
- Specify response header. You can use this filter to apply formatting to selected content within a question.
Note: When response/answer headers are specified, formatting will be applied only to specified response/answer headers' answers; else it will be applied to all answers.
- Select the Format Content Options. You can select from the following options:
- Apply Font
- Use Predefined Styles
- Find and Replace Format
- Clear Formatting
- Click APPLY.
Format Content Options
Apply Font
You can select this option to apply a font of your choice.
- Select Apply Font from the Format Content Option drop-down.
- Select the required font from the Font drop-down.
- Click on the required font Size.
- Select a Font Color and a Background Color.
- Click APPLY.
Use Predefined Styles
This option allows content owners to use the existing styles to format the new content. To use predefined styles, you can follow the steps below:
- Select Use Predefined Styles from the Format Content Option drop-down.
- Select the required style from the Choose Style drop-down.
Note: If content owners consistently use the same format across all the QA pairs, they can create styles in the rich text formatting toolbar. These predefined styles can be used to format the content added thereafter in the Answer Library.
- Click APPLY.
Find and Replace Format
This formatting option allows content owners to find content with a specific format and replace it with a different format. For example, find all the content with ‘Arial’ font and replace it with ‘Franklin Gothic Book’.
To find and replace format, you can follow the steps below:
- Select Find and Replace Format from the Format Content Option drop-down.
- Under Current Format option, select the font, size, font color and background color to be replaced.
- From the New Format section, select the font, size, font color, and background color.
- Click APPLY.
Clear Formatting
Use this option to clear formatting from all or selected content.