Download and Share Proposal
Once the proposal is ready, you can download or start sharing it.
Download Proposal
To download the proposal, click Download and Share.
You can choose to download the proposal in PDF or MS Word (docx) format.
Share Proposal
Completed proposals can be shared with people via email. Enter the email address into the Share With field and choose the permissions level from the drop-down as shown.
To allow users to share the proposal with others, select Allow resharing with others.
You can customize the subject line and the message if you wish to do so.
To define an expiration date for the proposal, click Set Expiration Date. You can choose from predefined periods such as 30, 60, or 90 days, or you can set a custom end date. Proposals with an expiry date will no longer be accessible to the users it has been shared with.
Manage Shares
Switch to the Manage Shares tab to control user permissions for those with whom it has been shared.
Shared Recipient View (View Only)
The recipient will receive the following email when it is shared.
Clicking View Proposal will redirect the recipient to an email verification page.
A one-time password (OTP) is generated and sent to the recipient's email when they click View Proposal.
Entering the OTP will navigate you to the proposal page.
Proposal details including the last updated date and time, updated by, and version information are displayed in the top left corner.
- Click Reshare
to share the proposal (Requires Reshare access).
- Click Preview
to view the attachment.
- Click Download
to download the attachment.
- Proposals can be reshared with other recipients if it is enabled by the proposal author. In case the proposal author has not enabled it the share icon will not be available.
- The recipients will also have the same level of access.
- Recipients can also view and download the attachments by switching to the attachment tab.
Shared Recipient View (View and Download)
The recipient will receive the following email when it is shared.
Clicking View Proposal will redirect the recipient to an email verification page.
A one-time password (OTP) is generated and sent to the recipient's email when they click View Proposal.
Entering the OTP will navigate you to the proposal page.
Proposal details including the last updated date and time, updated by, and version information are displayed in the top left corner.
- Click
to download the proposal in PDF format (Requires View and Download permissions).
- Click Reshare
to share the proposal (Requires Reshare access).
- Click Preview
to view the attachment.
- Click Download
to download the attachment.
- Proposals can be reshared with others if it is enabled by the proposal author. In case the proposal author has not enabled it the share icon will not be available.
- The recipients will also have the same level of access.
- Recipients can also view and download the attachments by switching to the attachment tab.
Archived proposals will no longer be available for the shared users and will display the following message.
Proposals with an expiry date display the following message when accessed after the expiry date.
Modifying a shared proposal temporarily restricts access for shared users. Users will see the following message until the changes are saved and the proposal is republished.