The My Account page contains each user’s settings. To access it, click your avatar at the bottom left of any page, and then click My Account.
Profile Tab
The Profile tab appears by default. You can see and change your profile, personal information like phone number and job title, and your address and time zone.
Click the portrait icon to upload a profile picture. Click the role to see the assigned permissions. Click the eye icon to see all available permissions.
To add or change information in a field, hover over it to highlight it, click into it and then begin typing. When you are finished, click the checkmark to save your changes or the X to cancel them.
Note: You cannot edit the Email ID.
Preferences Tab
You can manage the events that trigger email notifications, display preferences, and newsletter subscriptions on the Preferences tab. Click the toggle to turn the notifications on or off. Click a heading on the left pane to navigate to that section of the page.
Email Preferences
You can specify when you will receive notifications for projects you are assigned to. This includes when questions, sections, section reviews, Content Library items or tasks are assigned to you, when exports, section author tasks, sections, or section reviews are completed, and more.
Click the toggle to turn the notifications on or off.
Display Preferences
These settings specify your UI preferences.
Specify the language for the user interface, the default landing page, and the default project landing page (the page you want to see when you click on a project).
Newsletter Subscription Preferences
Click the toggle to subscribe or unsubscribe from newsletters for:
- Monthly newsletter
- Events communications
- Product Release Notes
- General Marketing Communications
Security Tab
Select this tab to reset your password and set up two-factor authentication.
Click Update Password to begin. Enter your current password, your new password, and then enter your new password again. When you are finished, click Update.
If you cannot remember your current password, select the Forgot Your Password? Link and instructions will be sent to your email address.
To activate two-factor authentication, refer to (New UI) Activating Two-Factor Authentication for Your Account.
Integrations Tab
This tab allows you to set up your integrations with other applications.
Note: The integrations must already be set up by your administrator in the Organization Settings for them to be available here.
This section shows available integrations and ones that have already been set up. Click Connect to create a connection, and select Delete to remove it. For details, refer to the Help Center articles that describe each integration.
API Tokens
Some integrations require application-generated tokens for authentication. Depending on the integration, you may be asked to generate a token in this API or enter a token here that you generated in a different application. For details, refer to the documentation for the specific integration.
The API Explorer lets you see the application’s APIs and try your own code.
Note: In the Classic User Experience, the Support Access Controls were on the Your Account page. With the move to the New User Experience, they have been moved to the Help panel at the bottom of the page (click Get Help).